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Getting Published: Authorship

Submitting Your Paper

Why Are Author Instructions Important?

All journals and publishers provide instructions for authors (also known as author guidelines, submission guidelines, resources for authors, formatting guide for authors, etc.).

These instructions provide information on basic requirements for submission, manuscript formatting, and policies. 

Read author instructions carefully. Avoid delays, frustration, and rejection by checking and double-checking:

  • journal purpose
  • journal scope
  • accepted article types
  • word count
  • formatting structure
  • permissions
  • citation style
  • copyright transfer information

Author instructions for over 6,000 journals in one place provided by the Mulford Health Sciences Library

What Are Author Rights?

Authors possess copyright from the moment it their original work is written, printed, saved, etc. These exclusive rights include: reproduction, adaptation, distribution, and public performance or display.

Why Do Author Rights Matter?

Publishers ask authors to transfer some or all of these rights in legal contracts during the publication process.

Read publication agreements or copyright transfer agreements in the author guidelines or open access policies with great care.

Can Authors Negotiate?


Negotiate to retain rights such as the ability to: 

  • Publish the work in a repository or other location required by funding 
  • Share the work with colleagues
  • Distribute the work in the course of teaching
  • Develop subsequent works based on the work/data
  • Receive notice of reuse

What Do Authors Need to Know to Negotiate?

  1. The SPARC Author Addendum provides a template for authors to use to retain certain rights when signing a publication agreement.
  2. Choose a journal with flexible policies. Search for a journal in Sherpa Romeo to locate information on the journal's copyright and open access policies. 

Informational Purposes

* * Please note that MWU Librarians do not provide legal advice and information provided is for informational purposes only. * *

What's an ORCID?

Open research and contributor ID logoORCID is a digital identifying number used by researchers to establish their official author name.

Why Register for an ORCID?

Each ORCID is unique and ensures research discoverability regardless of:

name tag with ORCID number

  • name changes,
  • other authors with a similar name, or
  • misspellings

ORCID are required for some NIH grants. 

Beyond ORCID

Other author identifier options include: ResearcherID,Scopus Author Identifier, etc.

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