Evidence synthesis is a process of combining and interpreting individual studies to understand a particular topic. This process creates a rigorous and transparent foundation for using research evidence in decision-making.
The key to evidence synthesis is transparent methodology including how studies are chosen, evaluated, analyzed, and how the strength of the evidence is determined to answer the research questions.
Studies show that librarians produce high quality search strategies and minimize bias in evidence synthesis projects.1-3 Librarian roles in such projects can also span planning, question formulation, source selection, and citation management.4
Midwestern University librarians offer various levels of assistance with evidence syntheses. Refer to the library policy below for more information:
(updated Feb 2025)
Before contacting the library to arrange a meeting with a librarian, all prospective evidence synthesis researchers should be familiar with the content of the MWU Library Evidence Synthesis Guide to come prepared for an efficient discussion.
Midwestern University faculty, staff, students, and fellows/residents may request consultative or mentorship level assistance for evidence syntheses including systematic reviews, scoping reviews, and rapid evidence assessments. Collaborative level is limited to faculty and others as decided on an individual basis. MWU librarians are unable to contribute to clinical practice guidelines or consensus guidelines.
At the first meeting, once librarian participation level is established at either the consultative level or the mentorship level, all research participants will be expected to sign a research agreement which states that they understand the expectations of each member of the team as well as the timing of the project.
Librarians provide face-to-face or online consultations* covering the processes and best practices for conducting an evidence synthesis. It is designed to get the researcher started. The principal investigator must meet with the librarian and the student team early in the process so that the whole team has the same understanding and expectations, no later than the second group meeting.
Please note:
The librarian will:
*A consultation does not guarantee immediate service assistance.
Librarians work with student groups with or without the direction of a principal investigator. Acknowledgement of librarian contribution upon publication is required.
The Librarian will:
Librarians’ highest priority is supporting students through instruction in information literacy, literature searching, and research. When a collaborative level evidence synthesis search request is received, the librarians assess the topic and the proposed timeline to see if workflow allows time to complete the search by the proposed deadline, and, if necessary, clarify the flexibility of the research team’s timeline. An MWU librarian may not be able to participate if timing and primary responsibilities do not allow it.
Librarians conduct expert searches for systematic reviews and other evidence syntheses and document them in the methods section. As members of the research team, librarian efforts will be recognized with co-authorship of the manuscript or a combination of negotiated terms which will include published acknowledgement.
Creation of a comprehensive search and translating into additional databases can take a minimum of three months. Researchers should factor this commitment into the publication timeline.
The librarian will:
Downers Grove Campus Library
(630) 515-6200
Littlejohn Hall
555 31st St. Downers Grove, IL 60515
Map and Driving Directions - IL
Glendale Campus Library
(623) 572-3308
Sahuaro Hall
19555 N. 59th Ave. Glendale, AZ 85308
Map and Driving Directions - AZ