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Residency Research Manual: Funding

Money for Research

Information regarding intramural and extramural reseach funding opportunities.


It is important to take a look at potential funding resources early on.

Intramural Funding

Small Intramural grants of up to $2,000 may be awarded to MWU clinical faculty members to support organized research projects. Faculty members requesting support must submit a formal research proposal to the ORSP to be considered for funding. Intramural grant funds may be used to purchase supplies and other consumable materials and non-capital equipment items needed to conduct an investigation. The purpose of these grants is to provide faculty members with funding to support an activity until the investigator is able to achieve extramural funding from the NIH or another external sponsor. Faculty members may be provided with additional funds to support the research project on an annual basis provided that annual reports on the activity indicate that they are progressing towards the goal of achieving extramural funding. All research activities supported with University funds must comply with applicable federal, state and local laws and University policies covering the activity. Grant cycles are July 1st through June 30th of the fiscal year.

Extramural Funding

Faculty members should inform the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) to identify extramural sources of funding for the research, educational or service programs of the University that are processed through the ORSP. By contacting the ORSP in advance, investigators will expedite the internal review and clearance of the proposal, agreement, contract, or plan prior to submission of the proposal. Staff in the ORSP can provide further information concerning meetings of the institutional research committees and other sponsor requirements such as cost sharing that may facilitate the development and the submission of a formal proposal. If you are unable to access this internal web link please contact the Office of Research Sponsored Programs,, for AZ research questions or, for IL research questions.

With any extramural funding application MWU’s Office of Research and Sponsored Programs needs to be notified at least 2 weeks in advance of the deadline.

Downers Grove Campus Library
(630) 515-6200
Littlejohn Hall
555 31st St. Downers Grove, IL 60515

Map and Driving Directions - IL

Glendale Campus Library
(623) 572-3308
Sahuaro Hall
19555 N. 59th Ave. Glendale, AZ 85308

Map and Driving Directions - AZ