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Elements Help: Update Your Profile

Update Your Profile

To update your profile, click on Edit My Profile.

Profile page with arrow pointing to Edit My Profile


Add any additional email address and/or phone numbers you would like to display in your public profile.


Profile Privacy

Each part of your profile may be made public or internal. Data marked as internal will be visible to other users of Elements but should not be displayed publicly.


Please enter appropriate information in the three boxes--overview, research interests, and teaching summary.

The information in these boxes is keyword searchable by users looking for experts or collaborators.

List courses you teach here.

At this time, it only allows for text only, no hyperlinks or images.


The availability labels allow you to indicate types of activities, such as mentoring, that you are available to participate in.

The fields of research labels allow you to indicate your primary fields of research.


Academic Appointments are currently not able to be edited by faculty. Please contact to update.

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TelephoneDowners Grove, IL (630) 515-6200
TelephoneGlendale, AZ (623) 572-3308
Instagram @mwu_library

Downers Grove Campus Library
(630) 515-6200
Littlejohn Hall
555 31st St. Downers Grove, IL 60515

Map and Driving Directions - IL

Glendale Campus Library
(623) 572-3308
Sahuaro Hall
19555 N. 59th Ave. Glendale, AZ 85308

Map and Driving Directions - AZ