Download the Cite While You Write plug-in to your personal device and sign in to access your reference library.
If Cite While You Write is not installing into Word, try the following, in the order listed below:
If none of these steps work, please email for assistance.
Check device and software compatibility with EndNote’s System Requirements
Information Technology Services provides the Microsoft Office desktop applications. If you have questions, call IT at 623-232-4357 or submit a ticket through the portal--MWUnet.
Downers Grove Campus Library
(630) 515-6200
Littlejohn Hall
555 31st St. Downers Grove, IL 60515
Map and Driving Directions - IL
Glendale Campus Library
(623) 572-3308
Sahuaro Hall
19555 N. 59th Ave. Glendale, AZ 85308
Map and Driving Directions - AZ