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Using EndNote Online: Using Cite While You Write

About Using Cite While You Write

The following instructions will help you set your citation style, change citation styles, insert citations, edit citations, and delete citations. 

Inserting citations using Cite While You Write in your Word document is simple. The trick is that any edit or manipulation to those citations involves using the plugin rather than editing the document itself.  All changes related to your references should be made using the EndNote toolbar (pictured).

Screenshot of the EndNote Cite While You Write toolbar in Microsoft Word.

Set Your Citation Style

  1. In the middle of the EndNote tool bar open the Dropdown Menu next to Style.
  2. Choose Select Another Style... to view and select from a list of 4,000+ styles
    • Don't see the style you need? Contact the library.
  3. Select OK close the pop up and confirm your style selection.

Note: Change your citation style at any point within your Word document. Be aware that changing the style changes expectations for the way information is entered into EndNote so edits may need to be made.

Gif of cursor selecting a citation style in the middle of the EndNote toolbar in a Word document.

Insert Citations

  1. Place your cursor in the document where you would like to insert an in-text citation. 
  2. Click the Insert Citations button. 
  3. Search for the author or topic of the reference you want to add.
  4. Select the desired reference.
  5. Click insert
  6. Repeat the above steps to insert additional references into your document. 

Hint: If you want to insert multiple citations at the same time, hold down the ctrl key to select multiple references.

Remove Citations

Do NOT use the delete key or backspace to remove citations from your document. The citations will reappear and the document may corrupt. 


  1. Click the Edit Citation(s) button. 
  2. Select the citation you want to delete and
  3. Click the cog to: Edit Reference and Remove Citation


Edit Citations

Check common APA and AMA edits for EndNote in the Editing References tab.

  1. Click the Edit Citation(s) button.
    • Never try to edit the citation in the document itself or your document may corrupt.
  2. Click Edit Reference for the reference you want to change. 
  3. The reference will open in EndNote Online. Make changes to the fields as needed. 
  4. Go back to your Word document, click the small arrow next to Edit Reference to access a dropdown. 
  5. Click Update from my Library. Then, click insert citation and ok. 

Cite While You Write Help

General troubleshooting suggestions in recommended order:

  1. Make sure you are logged in to EndNote Online
    1. Go to EndNote Tab > Preferences > Application
    2. EndNote Online, NOT EndNote
    3. Login information
  2. Uninstall and reinstall Cite While Your Write
    • Before reinstalling, close or quit EVERYTHING and ANYTHING by Microsoft before downloading. This includes Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook Email, Teams, etc.
  3. Turn off computer (not restart) and turn it on again
  4. Your password may have a symbol in it that EndNote does not like; change your password to one with a different symbol

If none of these steps work, please email for assistance.

Citation style not showing

If your desired citation style does not show up in EndNote Online or Cite While Your Write, you are not being authenticated as a Midwestern affiliate. Follow the steps below:

  1. Save and close your Word document
  2. Log out of EndNote Online and close that tab on your computer
  3. Go to Web of Science
  4. In the top right corner, select Product > EndNote
  5. Log into EndNote Online again and check if the citation style is now available by going to Format > Bibliography > Bibliographic Style
  6. Open Word document and under the EndNote tab, be sure you are logged into your EndNote Online account under Preferences > Application
  7. In the EndNote tab, select Style > Select Another Style and search for the citation style you need

If none of these steps work, please email for assistance.

File Not Importing

If your file is not importing into EndNote Online, check the file type and ensure it matches the correct import option

File Extension Import Filter Selection Database
.nbib PubMed (NLM) PubMed
.enw EndNote Import Google Scholar, journal website, and some databases
.ris RefMan RIS Library's Discover@MWU search box, journal websites, most databases including EBSCO databases (CINAHL, MEDLINE, Ageline, PsychINFO, etc.)

If you are still unable to import your file, please email for assistance.

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